Roger Hodgson – “Breakfast in América”
Por Denise Nolasco

O lendário Roger Hodgson, ex. vocalista da banda inglesa Supertramp, esteve novamente em Belo Horizonte e arrebatou a multidão que lotou o BH Hall para reverenciar mais uma vez suas belas canções, num espetáculo que já deixou saudades!

Com a turnê intitulada “Breakfast in América”, Hodgson levou o público ao delírio com as canções: “Dreamer”, “Fool’s Overture,” “Give a Little Bit,” “Take the Long Way Home,” “The Logical Song,” “Breakfast in América,” “School,” e “It’s Raining Again”.

Dono de uma voz marcante, Roger Hodgson exaltou a receptividade em terras mineiras, dizendo ter um carinho todo especial pelos belorizontinos, onde já teve a oportunidade de se apresentar outras vezes.

Em entrevista recente ao G1 – o portal de notícias da Globo, Hodgson disse o quanto é importante levar a música ao coração das pessoas e ressaltou: “Você pode imaginar como é especial para mim olhar para fora e ver as pessoas rindo , chorando e cantando “Give a Little Bit”, “Breakfast in América”, “Dreamer”, ou” It’s Raining Again”, e tocar essas músicas e fazer lembrá-los de tantas coisas em suas vidas. Talvez quando a vida era um pouco mais fácil. É por isso que é a minha alegria tocar as canções que as pessoas querem ouvir, canções que se tornaram clássicos”, frisou.

Thiago Romano, em nome de toda a equipe de assessoria da Benedita Comunicação/T4f
Fotos: Evandro Parreiras

Clique aqui para ver o artigo original: Roger Hodgson – “Breakfast in América”

Please note: Translation is approximate and may include some inaccuracies.


Roger Hodgson – “Breakfast in América”
By Denise Nolasco

The legendary Roger Hodgson, ex. Vocalist of the English band Supertramp, was again in Belo Horizonte and snatched the crowd that filled BH Hall to once again revere their beautiful songs, in a spectacle that already missed!

With the tour titled “Breakfast in America,” Hodgson led audiences to delirium with the songs “Dreamer,” “Fool’s Overture,” “Give a Little Bit,” “Take the Long Way Home,” “The Logical Song, “Breakfast in America,” “School,” and “It’s Raining Again”.

Owner of a remarkable voice, Roger Hodgson exalted the receptivity in Minas lands, saying to have a special affection for the belorizontinos, where he already had the opportunity to present himself other times.

In a recent interview with G1 – the Globo news portal, Hodgson said how important it is to bring music to people’s hearts and stressed, “You can imagine how special it is for me to look outside and see people laughing, crying and singing “Give a Little Bit,” “Breakfast in America,” “Dreamer,” or “It’s Raining Again,” and play those songs and remind them of so many things in their lives. Maybe when life was a little easier. That’s why it’s my joy to play the songs that people want to hear, songs that have become classics, “he said.

Thiago Romano, on behalf of the entire advisory team of Benedita Comunicação / T4f
Photos: Evandro Parreiras

Click here for the original article: article: Roger Hodgson – “Breakfast in América”

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